More volunteers needed for Stimpson's Piece working group

As of 1 November the Stimpson’s Piece working group has taken over responsibility for a number of tasks that were previously handled by the trustees.
All of the tasks are being carried out by volunteers predominantly from the main users of the pavilion and we need your help.
We meet on the last Wednesday of every month at 8.30 pm at Stimpson’s Piece as well as representatives attending the trustee meeting that takes place on the second Wednesday of every month following the Town Council meeting.
The relationship with the trustees has developed positively with representatives joining the working group meetings from November.
This is largely so that the two parties can start to work together on the development of a longer term strategy for the pavilion at Stimpson’s Piece.

  • If you would like to get involved, please contact David Loxton on 07776 347297 or