Support your local shops

Just a quick message to say thank you to Geoff [Deal of Meloncaulie Rose], who served Reepham for many years. He did so much more for this town than most people realise.

When we moved to Reepham a few years ago we said we will support the local shops as much as we can, as these make the town what it is and why people love living here.

If we, the local people, don’t use these places then Reepham will not remain the same. We need these shops to keep a working town. If the shops die, the town dies and so do investment and house prices.

There is an advert that occasionally does the rounds, normally on social media, about everyone spending £5 a month in local shops and how much of a difference that would make – it is very true.

The old Pantry went; now Geoff has gone; other shops will follow if we don’t support them.

Thank you Geoff for everything you did for this town; we wish you were still there. People like you are the reason we have a close community.

Paul Thompson, Sun Barn Road, Reepham