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Apologies for wandering puppy

Thursday, June 18, 2020 - 18:25

To anyone who lives around Stimpson’s Piece, please accept my apologies if my puppy Willow wandered into your garden this lunchtime (Thursday 18 June 2020).

This is the first (and hopefully the last) time that she has slipped her lead.

Sue Turner, New Road, Reepham

More memories of Ollands House

Monday, June 15, 2020 - 08:56

Hopefully, we are slowly easing out of this dreadful pandemic, but I would like to thank Reepham Life for all their work throughout this time. It has been comforting for me to regularly be in touch and to read all about the news.

I would also like to reply to Marion Stiefel’s letter of 18 March 2020 and relate to her my memories of Ollands House, which I knew as Reepham House in the 1950-1960s.

My earliest memory would be in the 1950s when Mr and Mrs Irwin lived there with their daughter, Margaret. I remember them coming to church, always well dressed (as most people did in those days, as one wore their Sunday best) and they always sat in the same pew.

They didn’t come regularly, so perhaps they spent time away (perhaps travelling?) and I do not think that Margaret worked. I do not know what Mr. Irwin’s occupation was either. In my youth I likened them a little to the Royal Family as they did seem to have an air of royalty about them. Sadly, I do not know the first names of Mr and Mrs Irwin.

I do have an interesting anecdote from my mother, who told me that Mrs Irwin had told her that she had witnessed Howard Carter discovering the Tutankhamun tomb in 1922.

People will remember that the house was quite impressive with its red bricks and those marvellous chimneys, not forgetting the gardens largely laid down to lawns and big trees, some of which can be seen today, and I liked the sweeping drive from the Norwich Road.

Although I only went there on a few occasions with my sister, we both remember dancing there from Reepham school and there was a film made of the occasion. I do remember seeing it later, probably in the band hall.

The other occasions was a garden fête (or gala day) when again we danced and this time we had been rehearsed by Margaret Irwin. The event held many attractions, such as fancy dress, decorated bicycles and a tombola, and ladies were judged for best ankles and best hairstyles. Sadly, I have no photos to offer, but perhaps somebody else might be able to come forward with their memories.

It was a big house indeed and sad that it had to be demolished. There is a lot more I would like to know about its origins, but now when I enjoy a walk with my sisters through what was (to us) Reepham House and gardens, I see many delightful houses have been built and all is well. Sweet memories.

Tessa Copley, Hertford

Questions over the number of dwellings on residential development

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - 18:10

So, the developer of the Broomhill Lane site says it will contribute £1.5 million towards a new sports hall for the high school.

No developer makes a financial contribution without ensuring there are beneficial gains, hence the increase in the number of dwellings from 120 to 141, with further incursion into the rural landscape.

To recoup this substantial contribution will add approximately a further £10,640 per dwelling. What does this do to the viable affordable costs of the dwellings?

Is this a genuine, no-conditions-attached offer towards a new sports hall for the high school?

And if so, then why is the developer seeking to raise the number of dwellings from what was originally proposed (agreed) when the land was allocated for residential development?

Perhaps these questions need answering from those concerned before the planning application is determined.

Russell Vincent, Hackford Vale

Memories of VE Day

Saturday, May 2, 2020 - 09:01

As this year’s VE Day celebrations will not be taking place in the way we had hoped for due to Covid-19, and because I am feeling a sense of nostalgia just now, I would like to share my memory of one of the most magical days of my life.

I was nearing my seventh birthday [in May 1945] and on the way home from school I called in at my grandfather’s shop – a watchmakers and jewellers, which was next to the paper shop in Reepham (and now the post office too) – and collected my little blue fairy cycle.

My grandfather [William Bishop] was a man of few words, but on this day we popped into the paper shop and came out with three Union Jacks, one each for my sister and brother and one for me.

He carefully tied them to the handlebar of my bicycle, at the same time telling me that the war was over and that my daddy would be coming home soon.

Grandad then sent me home on this glorious May day, with my flags fluttering in the breeze, to Booton Beck cottages, where my mother, two sisters and brother were waiting and I told them the great news! (I had a new baby sister, but Grandad didn’t think we should include her, being so young).

My father was in India and we had to wait until Boxing Day before he came home, and that was another joyous occasion.

Tessa Copley, Hertford

Margaret Anne and William Bishop, possibly in the 1920s

Edward Seely, Tessa Copley’s father, pictured in front of his father-in-law’s (William Bishop’s) watchmaker’s shop in Market Place, Reepham, with Renee Hatley (nee Symonds) (left) and Doris, a cousin of Tessa Copley’s mother, who was visiting from London; possibly 1936/37.

Sports hall or affordable housing?

Friday, May 1, 2020 - 08:16

Readers might not realise from your news story (Plans submitted for 141 houses off Broomhill Lane) that the developer’s justification for the shortfall in affordable houses (20% instead of the stipulated 30%) and 21 additional dwellings (141 instead of the specified 120) is its decision to contribute £1.5 million to a new sports hall for Reepham High School.

No doubt the school governors (including Reepham’s district councillor, Stuart Beadle) are fully supportive of this, but it does not seem right that the school’s gain should be at the cost to the whole community of affordable homes and overdevelopment of the site.

Readers may wish to point out to Broadland District Council (email that this application breaches the council’s own development plan.

Michael Pender-Cudlip, Mill Road, Reepham

Lanes are unclassified county roads

Tuesday, April 21, 2020 - 18:21

Concerning the recent articles on the Broomhill Lane development, there are some misconceptions by the developer about the real status of the roads on the edge of this development.

There are no public rights of way (footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways or byways open to all traffic) on or adjacent to the land involved.

There are, however, “unsurfaced unclassified county roads” (UUCRs, or more often called UCRs).

These are shown on Ordnance Survey maps as “other routes with public access”. They are public highways, in just the same way as if they were surfaced.

Broomhill Lane, Back Lane and part of Park Lane that is unsurfaced are all UCRs.

These can be seen on the Norfolk interactive map: (ensure the “Norfolk County Council Maintained Unsurfaced Roads” box is ticked).

Of course, changes proposed in planning application 20200469 are not affected, except for the improvement to Park Lane, which would need the approval of Norfolk Highways, aside from planning permission.

Martin Sullivan, Kerdiston Road, Reepham

Let’s hear it for the ‘bin men’

Thursday, March 26, 2020 - 12:45

It is wonderful that we have the opportunity to express our appreciation face-to-face to many who are helping us through this crisis, not least those running our local shops and the volunteers co-ordinated by the Reepham Good Neighbour Scheme.

Another critical group are our refuse collectors. We suggest that those of us who are about when they make their weekly round should applaud them; they deserve it in any case, but particularly now.

Janet and Michael Pender-Cudlip, Mill Road, Reepham

Stained glass window was from former Methodist chapel in Fisher's Alley

Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - 16:38

Re: From The Archive: Non-conformists in Reepham (posted 10 October 2019)

Owing to the poor condition and lack of funds to carry out essential structural and cosmetic repairs to the building, the Good Companions Club vacated the former Methodist chapel in Fisher's Alley and the property was put up for sale.

Local builder Derek Crane purchased the property and instructed me to design a dwelling(s) to replace the former building, and permission was granted for a pair of semi-detached houses.

During the demolition of the old building I insisted and ensured that the only stained glass window worth saving was carefully salvaged to be built into the gable wall facing the alley, which confirms the assumption in the article.

Russell Vincent, Hackford Vale, Reepham

Former Methodist Chapel in Fisher’s Alley, Reepham. Built 1842 as a Baptist chapel, closed 1934. Used as a carpenter’s shop, later the Good Companions Club. Photo: Reepham Archive

Information on Ollands House

Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - 12:02

I live in Echo Lodge, the only building that was not demolished from the Ollands estate.

The main house and the surrounding buildings were demolished in 1972 before the listed building law was in place.

My house was the gardener’s cottage, and the reason it was not demolished was thanks to a lady called Mrs Matthews who was a tenant at the property and refused to move out.

I purchased the building in 1986 and have lived there ever since.

When I dig my garden I often come across old red brick, which I believe is part of the main house.

I would love to know more, or see any more photos, of Ollands House.

Marion Stiefel, Ollands Road, Reepham

Planners prefer ‘town cramming’

Tuesday, February 4, 2020 - 18:18

Re: No new allocations for Reepham in latest housing consultation

Although there are no new allocations proposed in the latest plan, the 20 units proposed for the former Reepham station site have been overtaken by the latest approved development for assisted housing, etc., and have relocated to Broomhill Lane, where they are now – with the blessing of Broadland’s planners – proposing a 140-unit development on the site previously allocated for 120 units.

This is known as “town cramming” and, despite an increase in the housing density and additional significant traffic and parking issues, the planners prefer this solution rather than looking at better alternative sites for 20 units that have been supported in the last local plan consultation.

Hugh Ivins, Whitwell
