See also the What's on Guide
Art Cafe Held from 11 am – 12.30 pm every Tuesday in St Michael's, Reepham. For everyone who would like company and have a go at art for well-being and mindfulness; recovery friendly.
Bircham Centre Charity Shop Market Place, Reepham. Opening hours: Monday and Friday 9 am – 4 pm; Wednesday and Saturday 9 am – 1 pm; tea shop open at these times. Tel: 01603 879242. Email:
Bounce & Rhyme Sessions Every Friday, 2.15-2.45 pm. Free drop-in for songs and music for pre-schoolers and parents/carers at Reepham Library, Bircham Centre, Market Place, Reepham, followed by Stay & Chat – a chance to relax, have a drink and a chat. Contact: Reepham Library 01603 870474
Caring Friends for Cancer Mid Norfolk Coffee Morning Held every Thursday from 10 am – 12 noon at Reepham Methodist Chapel, Station Road, Reepham. Open to all to help raise funds for the cancer charity to help bring services and support to the local area. Tea/coffee and cake £3. Contact: Suzanne Chapman, Charity Manager 07961 566118 or
Cawston Historical Society/Heritage Centre Cawston Village Hall, High Street, Cawston. To visit, please contact Des Cook 01603 872111
Cawston Red Rose Football Club Girls-only football, for girls in school year 3 up to year 9, Thursdays 5.45–7 pm, Cawston Church of England Primary Academy, Aylsham Road, Cawston. All skill levels catered for. Contact: Paul Willmott 07926 004993 or
Cawston Village Lunch Club Held from 11.45 am on the last Friday of each month (no lunch in August), Cawston Village Hall, High Street, Cawston. Contact: Stephanie Spencer 01603 871393
Classic Car, Kit Car and Hot Rod Evening Held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, Whitwell Station, Whitwell Road, Reepham, 5–10 pm. Tea, coffee, cakes and hot food available, and the Sidings Bar will be open. Tel: 01603 871694 or email:
Computer Buddy Sessions Held 2.15–4.15 pm every Wednesday at Reepham Library, Bircham Centre, Market Place, Reepham. Free one-to-one computer support with our volunteer Jane. Booking a half or one hour appointment is advisable. Contact: Reepham Library 01603 870474
Craft Club Meets 9.30 am – 12 noon every Tuesday at the Ewing Close Community Centre, Ewing Close, Reepham. Knitting, embroidering, tapestry, card making and other crafts. Contact: Moira Dye 01603 871791 or
Dementia Friendly Group Usually meets 11 am – 12.30 pm on the first and third Mondays of the month at The Crown, 90 Ollands Road, Reepham. An informal group where people with dementia and their carers can drop in, drink tea/coffee, chat and play board games. Free to attend, just pay for your drinks. Contact: Moira Dye 01603 871791 or
Family History Group Meets 2.30–4 pm every Monday at Reepham Library, Bircham Centre, Market Place, Reepham. Beginners and more advanced welcome. Contact: Rita Richardson 01603 873122 or Reepham Library 01603 870474
Field of Joy Outdoor Meditation and Wellbeing Group Meets every Tuesday from 11 am –1.30 pm at Field of Joy, Catchback Lane, off Kerdiston Road, Reepham. Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators. Free. Email:
The Fixery Open from 11 am – 3 pm on the second and fourth Saturday of the month in the Bircham Centre, Market Place, Reepham A community resource for anyone who’s keen to repair things, save money and keep stuff out of landfill. Our Fixers help to repair everything from picture frames to PCs, and we pass on our skills to help the community by showing people how to fix their own stuff. We need people who are happy with sewing machines, glue guns, paintbrushes, chisels, spanners, bike tools, soldering irons and GitHub, as well as welcomers and organisers. Contact: Charles Butcher 07771 193620 or
Han Mu Do Martial arts and self-defence class for all ages and abilities held every Friday from 5.45–6.45 pm at Stimpson’s Piece Pavilion, Bartle Court, Reepham. Contact: Adrian Fields 01263 825997 or
JayCee Bridge Club Meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 7 pm and every Friday at 2 pm in Bawdeswell Village Hall, Reepham Road, Bawdeswell. A range of abilities means that it’s really bridge for fun. No regular partners are needed. Anyone interested is welcome to come along and watch to begin with. Contact Roger Fryatt 01362 688627 or Patsy Catchpole 01362 688352 for more information or to confirm a session is to take place.
Knit & Natter, a branch of Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers, meets 2–4 pm on the first Monday of the month (except bank holidays) in the Bircham Centre, Market Place, Reepham. Each session costs £2, which covers refreshments and a raffle ticket and helps towards the rent. We knit for charities, both national and abroad. There is no joining fee. New members welcome. Contact: Gwenda Dove 01603 870598
Line Dance with Wednesday Weavers Weekly, restarting Wednesday 19 May 2021, 2.00–3.30 pm, Reepham Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, £4 a session. Come and try line dancing to all types of music: Irish, pop, waltz, 60s and country. No partner required, any age, low impact, physical and mental workout. All government Covid-19 guidelines adhered to. Booking essential. Contact Sandra Williams 01603 872102 or
Lyng Community Café Held on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 10–11.30 am, Lyng Village Hall, Richmond Place, Lyng. Tel: 01603 872335. Email:
New Age Kurling Club Meets 2–4 pm every Tuesday in the Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham. First session free, then £2 per session; tea/coffee/ biscuits included. All welcome. Contact: Gwenda Dove 01603 870598 or
Norfolk Police Engagement Surgery Held on the second Wednesday of the month at Reepham Library, Bircham Centre, Market Place, Reepham, from 10 am – 12 noon, and from 12 noon – 1 pm in the Bircham Centre, Market Place, Reepham. Come and speak to your engagement officer PC Vicky Bailey to discuss any local issues. Email:
One Stitch at a Time Sewing Group Held every Tuesday from 1–3 pm, Lyng Village Hall, Richmond Place. Tel: 01603 872335. Email:
Patchwork Clinic Meets 10 am – 4 pm on the second Thursday of the month at Cawston Village Hall, High Street, Cawston. This is primarily a patchwork and quilting group, but any stitch/textile projects are welcome. All sewing abilities, age groups (16 years and over) and genders welcome. The group is not a taught workshop: ongoing projects are brought along for guidance, advice and encouragement. Tea/coffee and homemade cake provided; fridge and microwave available to use for packed lunches. Cost: £12.50 per session, bookings/payment required in advance. Contact: Tracey Pitcher. Tel: 07783 999616 or email
Pilates class Mondays, 9.45 – 10.45 am, St Michael's Reepham. This is a mixed-ability, mat-based Pilates class and all equipment is provided. Adults of all ages/life stages welcome; classes limited to 12 participants. Cost: £8/week when booking a course, £10 pay as you go; concessions apply. These classes support our registered charity, the Evexia Foundation, which works towards physical and mental health promotion. For further information contact: Clare Kenvyn 07766 723776 or
Pilates class Weekly classes run by Empower Pilates Norwich held every Wednesday in St Michael’s Reepham. Beginners 10–11 am; mixed ability 11.30 am – 12.30 pm; improvers 12.45-1.45 pm. Booking required. Contact: Emma Power for all enquiries and term dates.
Playful Parents Wednesdays, 10.15 am – 1.15 pm, Hall for All, Church Street, Weston Longville. A free “Stay & Play” parenting support group for toddlers from walking to three years and their caregivers, based on the principles of independent free play and respectful/gentle parenting. For more information and to register, contact: Robyn Caston 07810 743378 or
Reepham A Cappella Women’s singing group rehearses on the last three Tuesdays of the month at Reepham Methodist Church, Station Road, Reepham, 7.30–9.30 pm. Contact: Angi Rix. Tel: 01603 335234/07730 552664. Email
Reepham Allotment & Leisure Gardeners’ Association (RALGA) Email:
Reepham Archive Bircham Centre, Market Place, Reepham. Open 10 am – 12 noon first Wednesday and Saturday of the month. Tel: 01603 879242. Email:
Reepham Badminton Club Meets 8–10 pm every Thursday evening at Reepham High School Sports Hall. Experienced, new players welcome. Contact: Diana 01603 873244 or David 01263 584221
Reepham Business Network Meets 7.30–9 am on the first Thursday of the month at The Crown, 90 Ollands Road, Reepham. No membership charge – just pay £8 for breakfast, but please let us know if you intend to come. New members welcome. Contact: Jackie Collinson. Email:
Reepham Carpet Bowls Club Meets 7.30–10.30 pm every Monday in the Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham. Yearly membership £1; £2 per session. All equipment provided. Contact: Doris Frost 01603 870845
Reepham Country Market Held 8–11 am every Wednesday in the Bircham Centre, Market Place, Reepham. Home-made cakes, pies, biscuits, savoury dishes, vegetables, fruit in season, free range eggs, jams, jellies, chutneys, etc.
Reepham & District Gardening Club Meets on the third Tuesday in the month at 7.30 pm in the Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham. Visitors and new members welcome. Contact: Jeff Johnson
Reepham & District Photographic Club Meets 7.30 pm on the first and third Thursday of each month in the Sidings Marquee, Whitwell Station, Whitwell Road, Reepham. Contact: Michael Battams 01603 870874 or Rosie Taylor 01603 868247
Reepham & District Rotary Club Meets 6.45 pm for 7.15 pm every Monday at St Michael’s, Reepham. Contact: John Tym 07760 272422 or Robert Buxton 01603 870200
Reepham Good Neighbour Scheme This free service can help with befriending, occasional dog walking, collecting prescriptions, picking up shopping, changing a light bulb, lifts to medical appointments, accessing further support or other tasks. Tel: 07936 576684
Reepham Ladies Hockey Club Meets for training 6.30–8 pm every Thursday at Taverham High School. Contact: Graham Richardson 07464 429586 or
Reepham Library Bircham Centre, Market Place, Reepham. Opening hours: Monday 2–7 pm; Wednesday 9.30 am – 1 pm, 2–5 pm; Friday 10 am – 1 pm, 2–5 pm; Saturday 9.30 am – 12.30 pm. Tel: 01603 870474. Email:
Reepham Lions Meets 7 pm for 7.30 pm on the first Thursday of the month at St Michael’s, Reepham. We work together to support people and organisations wherever a need exists, particularly in our local area. Visitors and prospective new members welcome. Email:
Reepham Methodist Church Station Road, Reepham. Sunday Worship at 10.30 am. Coffee morning/Traidcraft 9.30 am – 12 noon every Wednesday. Tel: 01263 732102
Reepham Over 60s Bingo Held 2–3.30 pm every other Wednesday at the Ewing Close Community Centre, Ewing Close, Reepham. Raffle, tea and coffee and biscuits, £6. Contact: Linda Howes 01603 870810
Reepham Raiders Dodgeball Club Meets for training 6–7.30 pm every Wednesday at Reepham High School. Contact: Henry Skinner
Reepham Runners Meet Sunday mornings 8.30 am; Tuesday evening sessions 6.30 pm (structured training sessions); and Thursdays 6.30 pm. Meet at Stimpson’s Piece car park, Reepham. Contact: Jenni Egmore 01603 308192 or
Reepham Tennis Club Members’ club session Tuesdays 6–9 pm, women’s team practice Mondays 6–8.30 pm, men’s team practice Thursdays 6–9 pm. Email:
Reepham Town Council Meets 7.30 pm on the second Wednesday of the month (excluding August), at Stimpson’s Piece Pavilion, Bartle Court, Reepham. Contact: Kirsty Cotgrove, Town Clerk 01603 873355 or
Reepham WI Meets 7.30 pm on the third Thursday in the month at St Michael’s, Reepham. Contact: Rita Buxton 01603 870200 or
Reepham Young Farmers Meet every Tuesday at 7.30 pm at Cawston Village Hall, High Street, Cawston. Email:
Royal British Legion Reepham, Cawston & District Branch Meets 7 pm on the first Tuesday in the month in the Bircham Centre, Market Place, Reepham. Contact: Michele Savage
Seated Exercise Class Tuesdays 11.45 am – 12.30 pm, Reepham Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham. Open to all, no charge and any level of ability can participate. Contact: Angela Thompson 01603 870800 or
St Mary’s Reepham Sunday Worship at 10.30 am, followed by refreshments in St Michael’s. For details of services, see the church noticeboard. Contact: Revd Margaret Dean 01603 879275
Steam Sunday Held on the first Sunday of each month, Whitwell Station, Whitwell Road, Reepham, 10 am – 4 pm. Standard gauge steam engine Victory will be in steam. Top Field Light Railway, a 71/4” gauge railway constructed by the Model Engineering Group, will be operating (between April and October only). Lunches, BBQ, tea, coffee, etc. available from the Station Buffet and Sidings Bar. Drivers experience for £60 available, advance booking essential. Tel: 01603 871694. Email:
Sunshine Memory Café Held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month, 10 am – 12 noon, St Michael’s, Reepham. For people with memory loss and their carers. Enjoy friendship, refreshments, singing and music, memorabilia, informal talks, useful information and exchange of ideas. No need to book – just drop in. A Reepham Rotary initiative. Contact: Peter Williams 01362 686860 or Trevor Nelson 01603 860253
Tai Chi class Mondays 11 am – 12 noon, St Michael’s, Reepham. Cost: £5 per session. Ancient gentle Chinese form of exercise, suitable for all. Comfortable and non-restrictive clothing advised. These classes support our registered charity, the Evexia Foundation, which works towards physical and mental health promotion. For further information contact: Dr Ian Kenvyn 07769 348231 or
Tots Spot Wednesdays, 9–11 am, Reepham Methodist Church, Station Road, Reepham. For pre-school children and their parents/carers. There are lots of toys to play with in safe and secure surroundings, coffee for adults, juice for children and croissants for everyone. No charge for attending and no need to book, just come along. Contact: Candy Rogers 01603 872466 or
Wood Dalling Village Hall Coffee Morning Held 10.30 am – 12 noon on the first Saturday of the month, Wood Dalling Village Hall, Prospect Lane, Wood Dalling
Whitwell & Reepham Station Players Meet 7.15–9.15 pm every first and third Wednesday of the month at the Bircham Centre, Market Place, Reepham. Contact: Rowena Edwards 01603 870641 or
WOW – Wonder on Wednesdays Monthly socials held every second Thursday of the month, unless advertised, in St Michael’s Reepham, from 7–8.30 pm. All welcome for food, chat and community. Free. Contact: Revd. Helen Rengert 01603 879275 or
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