The Reepham Business Network (RBN) is making a few changes to its format with the aim of getting more local businesses involved and benefiting from the mutual support provided by the group.

Photo: The Crown, Reepham
The RBN will now meet once a month on the first Thursday of each month from 7.30 am until 9 am at The Crown, 90 Ollands Road, Reepham. The first of these meetings will be on 3 October.
There are no fees or membership, just the cost of a bacon (or egg) roll and tea or coffee for £8.
Although the group will still discuss business issues in the usual casual way, each meeting will have a theme (e.g., marketing, social media, promotion of local businesses, etc.).
“The advice around the table is always free, but the idea is to hopefully extend that in a more beneficial and focused way,” said RBN founder David Laws.
“We’d love to see some new faces and encourage people to come along and share details of their Reepham and district businesses to promote themselves in a friendly local environment.
“We look forward to seeing all our usual RBN friends and some new ones too.”
The next meeting is planned for Thursday 3 October. To register to attend or for further information, please contact Jackie Collinson by email for further details.