Nearly 50 families struggling with the cost of living crisis have received help in recent months from a local church-based charity
Grants are available for people living in Reepham who are struggling with the current cost of living crisis
A coffee morning held in the Hall For All at Weston Longville for Macmillan Cancer Support raised almost £650
A Reepham-based home care agency has organised a raffle and sponsored walk to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Society
North Norfolk Amnesty Group thanks all those who responded to an appeal for unwanted but useable bicycles for refugees and asylum seekers
Reepham-based runner Nina Atkinson has been awarded Big C’s place to run the London Marathon in October
Get those spare bikes out of the garden shed or garage and help refugees and asylum seekers in Norfolk
Four members of Reepham WI took part in the Norfolk Coastal Mighty Hike on Saturday 14 May to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support
Customers and members of Central England Co-op in Norfolk and Suffolk have donating 10,000 presents as part of a Christmas toy appeal
A Dereham-based charity is offering advice sessions to people who may be worried about managing their bills