Questions remain over spraying of field

Re Badger poisoning suspected on field planned for housing (Reepham Life, 11 July 2019)

Approximately 3-4 weeks ago I noticed that badger activity had started again around the setts.

There was digging from two of the entrances and recent footprints in the ground were clearly visible.

After so many months of no visible activity I was delighted to see the signs of life again.

Whether the badgers had been on an extended holiday because their habitat had been poisoned or if this is a new family I don’t know, but at least the setts are back in use.

But the question still troubling me is why the area was sprayed and the entire field of grass killed in the first place?

It is now covered with weeds that are, in some areas, reaching over 4 feet high.

If anyone can enlighten me as to why this field was sprayed and has now been left to become overgrown I would be interested to hear from them, as I can see no logical reason for doing it.

Helen Lindsay, Broomhill, Reepham