Reepham WI

Post date: Thursday, November 28, 2024 - 09:02

Reepham’s WI’s annual general meeting was held on Thursday 21 November, when members had the opportunity to elect new members of the committee and also to put their names forward to take on various responsibilities, which keeps the wheels of this vibrant and inclusive organisation turning. Helen Bailey has agreed to continue as president for another year.

After WI business was dealt with and refreshments served, Brenda Gostling hosted a creative and entertaining quiz, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all present.

With Christmas fast approaching, members of the WI craft club have been busy in recent weeks creating festive wreaths, which are now on display in the Art Room at the Bircham Centre.

Photo: Dee Taylor

This year’s theme is “Nursery Rhymes” – we enjoyed making them and we hope you enjoy seeing them, while perhaps reminiscing about your own childhoods. These wreaths will be for sale, with proceeds going to support the Bircham Centre. Please see the Bircham Centre Charity Shop for further details.

Craft club members have also made decorations for the WI tree, part of the Christmas Tree Festival, to be held in St Mary’s Reepham from 4–8 December. Hope to see you there!

Reepham WI meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7.30 pm at St Michael’s, Reepham. December’s meeting will be held a week early on Thursday 12 December. This festive gathering will feature James Stebbings, with a presentation on “Sentiments of Christmas”.

Dee Taylor

Post date: Monday, October 28, 2024 - 20:38

In October, Andrew Sankey, garden designer and historian, gave an entertaining talk to Reepham WI on the evolution of the English cottage garden, from medieval times to the modern day.

He introduced his talk by sharing that he has given talks in America on the cottage garden, where they have formed a romanticised vision of what a typical English cottage garden is, influenced by the watercolour paintings by the Victorian artist, Helen Allingham. Her “chocolate box” images often include a young maiden in a bonnet, outside a thatched cottage surrounded by pretty flowers, with no vegetables or compost heaps in sight.

The medieval cottage garden could not be further from this perception. The dwellings, home to some 90% of the population who were peasants, were small, often housing a family of up to 13 children, with livestock sharing the inside warmth during winter months.

The land surrounding the cottage was laid out with raised beds, planted solely with produce to sustain the family, such as onions, cabbages and leeks. Herbs were important, used for flavouring the basic one-pot meals, as well as for medicinal purposes.

It was not until around 1557 that Thomas Tusser wrote a book on good husbandry, and under the influence of Henry VIII gardens became more elaborate with fruit trees and flowers introduced for more decorative uses. Rare species were brought to the UK from countries such as China, Turkey and South America.

Potatoes were not introduced until 1830; shrubs did not make an appearance until 1870/80. This period was the high point of the English cottage garden, with productivity and utility, as well as beauty, of equal importance.

County Life magazine came into being around this same, igniting the creation of “show” gardens – with space gradually given over to lawns and ornaments there was little space for growing vegetables. But as times and diets changed gardeners once again yearned to grow their own produce, hence the creation of allotments, certainly a popular pastime in Reepham.

Reepham WI meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7.30 pm at St Michael’s, Reepham. The next meeting on Thursday 21 November will be the AGM, followed by an interactive quiz hosted by Brenda Gostling.

Dee Taylor

Post date: Friday, October 18, 2024 - 17:21

With the recent media coverage of overcrowded prisons and the controversial decision to release prisoners early, it was timely that our September speaker, Geoff Dyett JP, gave a talk to Reepham WI on the role of the magistracy.

There are three magistrates’ courts in Norfolk: Norwich, Kings Lynn and Great Yarmouth. Magistrates, some 12,000 in the UK, are volunteers aged between 18 and 75 and come from all walks of life; more than 50% are women. There are three magistrates at each sitting, with the benefit of additional counsel from a legal adviser.

Cases are heard in the criminal, civil, family and youth courts, such as anti-social behaviour, non-payment of council tax, domestic abuse and vulnerable children. The magistrates also deal with appeals against other bodies, such as contesting parking fines.

Around 95% of all criminal cases are dealt with in the magistrates’ courts. Defendants, if they plead guilty or are found guilty, usually receive a fine or a community service order – the court can also impose a maximum of 12 months imprisonment for a first offence.

However, it is the aim of the magistracy to encourage rehabilitation and reduce reoffending by avoiding prison sentences. More serious offences are referred to the Crown Court.

Reepham WI meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7.30 pm at St Michael’s, Reepham.

Dee Taylor

Post date: Wednesday, August 7, 2024 - 17:47

The last few months have provided Reepham WI members with diverse and interesting events.

At the end of April, walks around Reepham took place to support the Associated Country Women of the World, followed by tea and cake in the Bircham Centre.

In May, we held a final debate on the 2024 Resolution on Dental Matters, in which government should be called upon to increase investment in the training and retention of dentists.

Thereafter, we were given a talk by Saffron Summerfield, a musician/song writer, who, while artist in residence at Rye Harbour, nurtured her passion for birdsong. Saffron shared her fascinating knowledge of when and why birds sing.

The incredible work done by the Medical Detection Dogs charity was the topic at June’s meeting. Norma Howell explained how Bio Detection Dogs are trained to detect odours associated with diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s and bacterial infections. The Medical Alert Assistance Dogs support people who have complex health conditions and are in danger of having a potentially life-threatening medical event.

Last week our members listened to a terrific tale about Newhaven Court, Cromer, a book written by Helen Murray who shared the story of her forebears’ home and the intriguing list of characters who stayed there between the wars, including Einstein, Shackleton, Tennyson, Oscar Wilde and others too many to mention.

Helen’s story of how she researched the history of the house and its occupants for her book is quite remarkable in itself. Who knew Cromer held so many secrets?

A number of WI ladies produced delicious cakes and helped with refreshments at the Norfolk Day festivities with games and fun for young and old alike.

Our next meeting, on Thursday 15 August, will be our annual summer social, to be held in the Bircham Centre garden from 2.30−4.30 pm. Our speaker will be Angela Bishop, taking us on a trip down memory lane.

Dee Taylor

Post date: Monday, April 22, 2024 - 21:18

In January, Reepham WI members were invited to vote on their chosen resolution, with “Dental Health Matters” going forward to form the basis for the WI’s 2024 national campaign. This was followed in February by our AGM, with new members joining the committee.

So, it was a pleasure to invite to our March meeting Jeni Neill, our first speaker for 2024, who gave us a brief insight into how she took up writing, then successfully self-published her first novel The Devil’s Dye.

This is an intriguing tale of the de Hems family, weavers who emigrated from the Low Countries to Norwich and became known as the “Strangers”.

The story, which centres around Jowan, a dyer, and his wife Eliza, takes us to Bungay, where they settle, and beyond in his the quest for indigo, a rare and expensive commodity in those days.

It is a warm tale, with fascinating, authentic historical detail such as references to Black Shuck, the legendary Suffolk giant black dog. A future visit for members to Strangers’ Hall is planned.

In April we were privileged to have Mary Newton, a retired forensic scientist, give a presentation – “Blood, Sweat and Fears” – to members, family and friends about her long and fascinating career with the Metropolitan Police Forensic Science Laboratory, as well as a brief stint as an adviser on the Silent Witness series.

Mary explained how analyses are carried out, to establish the presence of blood and DNA at a crime scene, on weapons and clothing.

We were astounded to learn that from the use of Sellotape, a basic household item, incriminating fibres can be obtained and this evidence kept intact for years to come.

Mary explained that with the advance of new technology cold cases are being re-examined and prosecutions are now able to be made years after the event. She used two harrowing murder cases, committed in 1993 and 1996, to illustrate how ultimately justice can be achieved with meticulous and tenacious forensic science.

Mary donates fees from her speaking engagements to local food banks, so was extremely appreciative of the larder items brought along by our members to complement her worthwhile initiative.

Reepham WI meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7.30 pm at St Michael’s, Reepham. Next month, on 16 May, Saffron Summerfield will give a digitally illustrated talk with birdsong and music entitled “When Birds Sing”.

Dee Taylor

Post date: Tuesday, January 23, 2024 - 17:29

This month Reepham WI held its meeting via Zoom, when members were given an opportunity to listen and debate four resolutions, before voting on which campaign to support.

Similar meetings will be held during January by WI groups across the country. The majority vote from each group will then be sent to the National Federation of WIs for this year’s chosen campaign to be ratified.

The four matters of concern this year are:

  • Dental health matters. There is an acute shortage of dentists in both the NHS and private sector. This resolution calls on the government to increase investment in training and retention of dentists by improving their employment contracts.
  • Impacts of poor housing. The appalling condition of a large proportion of rented accommodation was highlighted. Tighter control and legislation on the conditions of rental accommodation, in both the private and social sector, is needed to ensure rental properties are safe, clean and fit for purpose.
  • Say ‘No’ to gambling advertising. This resolution calls for the government and other organisations to implement a total ban on gambling advertising. As everyone is aware, advertisements and sponsorship by gambling outlets are to be seen everywhere, especially in sports venues, on attire and via media during sporting events. Gambling addiction can have catastrophic effects: financial hardship, mental health issues, breakdown of relationships and careers.
  • Improving outcomes for women in the criminal justice system. A large number of women in prison, often incarcerated for non-violent offences, have children or are pregnant on committal. A non-custodial sentence, with monitoring from social services, would surely make more sense for women and, more importantly, their offspring. The WI’s “Care not Custody” campaign is an example of what could be achieved.

The Women’s Institute has a long history of campaigning, indeed in the 1950s one of its early initiatives led to the “Keep Britain Tidy” lobby.

All the above resolutions are complex, require committed co-operation and, of course, funding. Striving to improve aspects of grave concern in society by campaigning is at the core of what the WI stands for.

Reepham WI meets at 7.30 pm on the third Thursday of each month at St Michael’s, Reepham.

Dee Taylor

Post date: Wednesday, November 22, 2023 - 20:28

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

A passionate “crib” collector since childhood, Georgette Vale brought along her impressive collection of Nativity scenes for us to see at the Reepham WI meeting on Thursday 16 November, as well as a selection of amusing, home-crafted characters in Biblical settings.

St Francis of Assisi is thought to have introduced the first living Nativity scene in the Italian city of Greccio on Christmas Eve 1223. This was to encourage his flock to reflect upon the magical story of the birth of Jesus.

Georgette shared anecdotes of “Santons de Provence” – dainty clay figurines, no bigger than “Thumbelina” created in the south of France, not only of the usual Nativity groupings but also tradespeople and residents of rural villages – now highly collectible.

Another French festive tradition is the “fève” – a small trinket originally made from fava beans to represent religious symbols, then hidden in cakes, notably Gateau de Rois, traditionally served at Epiphany, similar to our custom of hiding old sixpenny pieces in Christmas puddings.

While writing about all things Christmas, a shout out to the Reepham WI Craft Club who have been busy working on decorations for our tree for the forthcoming Christmas Tree Festival in St Mary’s, as well as for the Bircham Centre art room, during the Festival of Light, to be held on Sunday 3 December. We hope many of you will come along and have a great afternoon.

Reepham WI meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month at 7.30 pm in St Michael’s. The speaker at our next meeting on Thursday 14 December (on this occasion a week early) will be Penny Doe on a “Folk Christmas”, an assortment of Christmas songs and music.

Dee Taylor

Nativity scene figures brought along by Reepham WI members. Photo: Rosemary Black

Post date: Monday, October 23, 2023 - 10:29

In October our members were transported by a real-life “Shirley Valentine” from wet Reepham to a magical place time has forgotten.

This was Jenny Gibbs’ second visit, continuing her story of how in 1993 she went to Turkey on holiday and fell in love – with a man and the country.

Jenny detailed traditional Turkish village life. On her first evening in Mustafa’s family home, they had prepared a feast to be enjoyed by sitting cross-legged on beautiful rugs. Multiple dishes on copper salvers kept coming. Jenny was provided with a bowl and spoon, others used fingers and bread to scoop up delicious sauces.

A particular memory of Jenny’s was to hear, in the early hours, the approaching sound of music, stopping by their window before the troupe moved to the next house. She explained that during Ramadan, musicians travel around before dawn to wake folk for breakfast, before observing strict fasting during daylight hours. During this month-long period the high-protein diet must include a stone or pip; dates are a favourite staple.

To this day meals are cooked outside over an open fire. More complex dishes, such as flaky baklava, are taken to communal ovens. Women transport their baking on trays perched on top of their heads, with kindling for the ovens tied to their backs.

Keeping livestock for the family’s own use is the norm, with cows, goats and sheep supplying milk, hens for eggs and the odd cockerel for the pot. In summer the ritual of “transhumance” takes place, where families, with their livestock, migrate to “yalyas” – mountainside terraces where grass is plentiful and air cooler.

These fertile areas are also used for growing grains: wheat, rye, chickpeas, couscous as well as every conceivable vegetable and fruits such as pomegranates and oranges. The ground is tilled by donkeys pulling a simple plough.

Jenny’s first experience of a summer decampment was a culture shock to discover everyone slept and lived in a basic, one-room stone dwelling, where at bedtime mattresses, piled in a corner during the day, are laid out dormitory-style at night. Similar simple houses are also found scattered throughout olive groves, where families stay between November to March, harvesting olives.

We hope Jenny will return in future to talk about Turkish crafts and culture: a very informative and entertaining speaker.

Reepham WI meets on the third Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm at St Michael’s, Reepham. On 16 November Georgette Vale will be giving a presentation on “Nativity Sets”.

Dee Taylor

Jenny Gibbs wearing traditional headdress, still worn today. Photo: Jenny Gibbs

Post date: Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 09:46

Family and friends of Reepham WI, as well as members of the wider community, had a thoroughly enjoyable evening on Thursday 21 September, listening to Patrick Barkham talk about his recently published book The Swimmer, a biography of Roger Deakin.

Above: Patrick Barkham. Photo: Rosie Humphrey

Patrick is a local lad, who grew up in Booton. As well as being an author of several best-selling books he is also the natural history writer for The Guardian and president of Norfolk Wildlife Trust.

The story of Roger Deakin, an eccentric man of many talents, was eloquently brought to life by Patrick. The book is the result of extensive research of the archive of Roger Deakin’s notes, letters and journals held at the University of East Anglia as well as conversations with Roger’s friends, lovers and associates.

Roger was born in 1943 in suburban Watford, was privileged to be given a scholarship to Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ school, after which he went Cambridge University where his English tutor was Kingsley Amis.

During a full and colourful life, Roger had spells as an advertising executive and a stint as a highly imaginative and inspirational teacher at a school in Diss. He also briefly dabbled in documentary making for Anglia TV and broadcasts for BBC Radio 4.

But Roger’s lifelong passion was the environment and, in particular, Walnut Tree Farm in Mellis, Suffolk, which he restored, also cultivating the surrounding land.

Most importantly, the spring-fed moat surrounding the farmhouse encouraged his foray into “wild swimming” and his quest during the 1990s, when in his 50s, to wild swim around Britain.

This adventure became Roger’s book Waterlog, which developed a cult following and certainly impacted the movement for others to take to rivers, lakes, lochs and beaches throughout the land.

The above is a very simplistic synopsis of a man who enjoyed life to the max. Roger embraced and encouraged an unorthodox way of living during the heady days of the 1960s and beyond.

Sadly, Roger died too young at the age of 63 in 2006. I urge you to read the full, fascinating story for yourselves.

Reepham WI meets on the third Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm at St Michael’s, Reepham.

Dee Taylor

Post date: Monday, August 21, 2023 - 20:52

This month Chrissi Rix of Studio Style in Drayton came along to persuade women of Reepham WI to look beyond “black and beige” when shopping for new outfits.

Chrissi explained the genetics of colour and how to determine the most suitable shades for individual complexions, taking into account skin tone, eyes and hair.

She demonstrated the difference between “warm" and "cool” profiles with boards of celebrities of varying features, onto which Chrissi then draped mini capes of a spectrum of colours. From there she is able to determine a wider choice of shades to flatter one’s natural attributes.

The importance of colour is not to be understated, with the correct palette making shopping easier, giving one empowerment, the confidence of poise and sense of well-being.

Keeping to a specific palette can also avoid wasted purchases, often bought in haste and hanging unloved in the wardrobe.

Shape of our torsos also came into play: how to emphasise good points and camouflage negative areas such as broad/small shoulders, bust and hips.

In tandem with Chrissi’s vast knowledge of styling with colour, she also offers complementary well-being sessions, which consists of counselling and hypnotherapy to address any underlying issues such as anxiety, weight problems, etc.

The final part of the evening was huge fun, with members attempting to follow the various ways Chrissi demonstrated the use of scarves in many guises.

Again, when choosing a scarf, it is important to match it to your colour palette, not the outfit: scarves can add glamour and, if worn correctly, detract the eye from problem areas.

A selection of scarves from the Bircham Centre were sold in aid of its Raise the Roof appeal – there are still a few available from the charity shop for readers to have a go at home

For individual advice, contact: Chrissi Rix, Style Studio, tel: 07487 796853 or email:

Reepham WI meets on the third Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm at St Michael’s, Reepham.

Dee Taylor

A selection of scarves from the Bircham Centre. Photo: Dee Taylor
