Knitting groups help charities and provide vital social link

May’s Reepham WI meeting began with discussions and debate on the WI National Federation’s choice of “campaign”, for which more than 90,000 members nationally voted on the shortlist. The top resolution “Cleaner Water for People and Wild Life” will now go forward to the AGM in May for ratification.

Manesty Forster gave an informed presentation on a subject that has recently been a topical news story, with water companies pledging an unprecedented £10 billion over the next decade to improve infrastructure and reduce sewage going into rivers and sea.

Several thought-provoking points were raised by the women present, after which the majority voted in favour of putting forward a “discretionary” vote, i.e., clarification on certain matters, not least whether promises made by the water companies are realistic and why billpayers may, ultimately, pick up the tab for water companies’ inaction to date.

The second part of the evening continued with a talk by Linda Brown, founder of Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers, ably assisted by Rosemary Black, membership secretary.

Linda explained how she came to expand the organisation over the past 15 years from a small group of women coming together to knit, crochet and sew in her home to now having a membership of 2,401 across 130 different groups in Norfolk. Some of you may remember Brenda Palmer, who started the group in Reepham.

Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers has five “resource” centres throughout the county – in Norwich, Diss, Sheringham, Great Yarmouth and West Norfolk – where women can go to buy yarn and haberdashery accessories at cost price.

These materials are, in turn, made into blankets, jumpers, scarves, hats, bags and toys amongst other things, most poignantly, “traffic light” hats for premature babies in ICUs and “angel gowns” for stillborn babies.

Women have also contributed towards the Innocent Smoothies “hats” initiative which, over the years, has raised more than £3 million for Age UK.

Finished garments are returned to the resource centres, where they are distributed to national and international causes, such as hospitals, schools, care homes and women’s refuges, as well as orphanages and improvised villages in India, Gambia, Ethiopia and many other countries.

While Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers has received funding from the National Lottery Community Fund and other grants in the past, the charity is now self-funded and, as part of Volunteering Matters, relies wholly on volunteers and thus would always welcome new members.

The purpose of women getting together is not just having a sense of purpose by helping others through “crafting” but also as a vital social link for many who may feel isolated, particularly during recent lockdowns.

Reepham’s group get together on the first Monday of the month from 2–4 pm in the Bircham Centre. Contact Gwenda Dove on 01693 879598 or email. Other groups are held locally; details can be found HERE.

There will be an exhibition of the charity’s work, “Carnival of Colour”, to be held in Central Hall, Wymondham, on 7 October from 10 am – 4 pm. This will also be an occasion to celebrate Norfolk Knitters and Stitchers’ 15th birthday.

Dee Taylor, Reepham WI

Photo: Reepham WI