Aquaboxes for Pakistan

Rotary clubs all over the world are responding to the flooding in Pakistan – one more tragedy on top of many others that need our attention.

The most urgent need in a disaster like this is safe drinking water to prevent dehydration and disease.

Reepham & District Rotary Club continually raises funds for Aquaboxes, which are kept in stock, ready to ship anywhere in the world.

The boxes are water tanks that contain either family filters to care for a single family or community filters.

The latest donation from Reepham will pay for seven community filters that can provide six litres of clean water a minute for up to 2,800 people.

Reepham Rotary has sent more than 450 Aquaboxes in the 20 years it has been supporting the charity.

Aquabox works with Rotary clubs on the ground and partner charities that ensure the boxes are delivered swiftly to where they are needed.

The charity has just one part-time employee and some 70 volunteers, ensuring all funds are used to build and ship treatment equipment. Stockpiles are kept to ensure rapid response to emerging disasters.

Being able to treat water on the spot reduces the need for clean water to be sent in plastic bottles – the number of filters in use around the world has removed the need for 4,000 plastic bottles every minute.

Reepham Rotary donations are funded by its long-running 100 Club, which is supported by members and non-members in the community. Monthly prizes and an annual roll-over add excitement to regular giving.

The 100 Club is run by Paul Smith who will welcome enquiries by email or telephone 01603 870381.

Richard Cooke