Help and support for children and families

Revd Keith Rengert has started his new role as school chaplain for the Synergy Multi-Academy Trust. He visits four high schools each week and mentors around up to 30 students and supports staff, helping with pastoral needs of the young people as well as helping them.

Keith has found that lots of people need support with bereavement issues, trauma issues (situations at home and in the wider family), confidence needs and classroom concentration needs – some are linked to past trauma situations.

The thing I have noticed is that teachers and support staff now have to be social workers. Social services can only deal with highly acute and chronic family situations leaving schools and other community groups to support our children, young people and families.

There are many families working well enough yet there are some on the brink, and accessing mental health and social care is so difficult.

As a community we need to be aware of those who need support mechanisms around them without undermining people’s autonomy.

Jesus said “come to me all who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest”. The church community is here for you – don’t struggle on your own if this is ringing bells for you.

We are here to help signpost you to good helpful resources and give you a sense of rest and support.

May Easter be for you an opportunity to see the miracle of new life when darkness is lit up with goodness and love. This is the resurrection power of God’s love in and through Jesus.

Revd Helen Rengert, Team Rector, Reepham and Wensum Valley Team Churches