County Deal brings major benefits for Norfolk

By Cllr Greg Peck

At the Norfolk County Council meeting on 12 December, councillors voted to accept a County Deal devolution agreement with the government, which will transfer significant funding and powers to Norfolk and involve the election of a directly elected leader.

Councillors also agreed that the election for the leader should be held alongside the county council elections in May 2025 to enable the widest possible engagement with the electorate.

The deal will mean that decisions can be taken in Norfolk, for Norfolk, and brings major benefits for the people of Norfolk.

It means significant investment and powers to boost our economy, transport, housing, jobs and skills.

Also, we will have a council leader who is directly elected by the public, enabling Norfolk’s voice to be heard by the government.

Targeting funding and resources to Norfolk’s own priorities, unlocking housing and employment sites, investing in the skills we need, and attracting and retaining key businesses and opening the door to more – all mean further powers and funding in the future.

Through the County Deal, Norfolk faces a major opportunity to gain new powers and funding from the government, and we will be able to make more decisions in Norfolk, for Norfolk and secure investment of more than £600 million over 30 years.

It will enable us to invest in areas such as transport, skills and job opportunities, housing and regeneration, tailored to the needs of local people.

In addition to cross-party support at the council meeting, the deal is also supported by Norfolk business leaders, educational institutions and the Chamber of Commerce, among other bodies.

For further details about the County Deal, click HERE.

Western Link approved

The government confirmed approval of the Norwich Western Link on 13 October, which means the Department for Transport has provided a funding commitment of £213 million toward the overall cost of the project, with the potential for its contribution to be increased.

We have since been assured that the government will indeed cover the full cost of the project.

With this funding commitment secured, the project can move forward with the submission of a planning application and the making of the necessary statutory orders.

It was agreed by the county council cabinet at its meeting on 4 December to proceed with the scheme.

Programme milestones:

  • Submit planning application and determination period – early 2024.
  • Public inquiry (if required) – autumn/winter 2024.
  • Start of advance works – late 2025.
  • Start of main construction works – summer 2026.
  • Scheme in operation – 2029.

Cllr Greg Peck, Norfolk County Council, Reepham Division
Tel: 07972 230282