Unsung local hero Jeannette Overton has retired from driving the Reepham Rover, but continues to fund-raise for the Reepham Patient Care Fund
The Whitwell Hall trustees have announced a new recruit to assist with the administration of the Reepham Rovers
Members of a local craft group have been busy designing and sewing a unique quilt to be raffled in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support
The Katja Hansen-Livsey Trust has now raised more than £5,000 following a cake and flower sale and Birdy’s Bike Ride, a 20-mile cycle ride from Holt to Reepham
Planning approval has been granted to Whitwell Station to erect a permanent building to replace the temporary marquee
Two local charities, the Whitwell Hall Country Centre and the Reepham Patient Care Fund, are to merge
The Reepham Good Neighbour Scheme will “go live” on Saturday 7 June at the Bircham Centre, Market Place, Reepham
Woodgate Nursery will hold its Garden Show Weekend on 17-18 May in aid of the East Anglian Air Ambulance
Amber Leathers and Vikki Kirk will be taking part in the Women V Cancer Ride the Night to raise funds to help fight breast, cervical and ovarian cancers
Reepham-based Panther Brewery is organising the Reepham Beer Festival on the weekend of 2-3 August 2014 at Stimpson’s Piece, Reepham