Florist to offer free delivery for local customers

The Wallflower & Wallace florist and artisan shop is to begin a free “doorstep” delivery service for customers within a 15-mile radius of Heydon

Offshore wind farm examination period extended due to Covid-19

The deadline for the close of the examination period for Vattenfall’s Norfolk Boreas offshore wind farm has been pushed back to October

VE Day in Reepham

A two-minute silence to mark the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day took place in Reepham’s Market Place at 11 am on Friday 8 May

Local author featured on Chris Packham’s Facebook bird show

Reepham author Joe Harkness's book Bird Therapy has been featured on the 'Self Isolating Bird Club'

Artisan bakery now delivering to Reepham

Bread Source is now offering deliveries of bread, pastries, flour and other goods to customers in the Reepham district
